The British Toy & Hobby Association Outstanding Contribution Award
The British Toy & Hobby Association Outstanding Contribution Award recognises individuals and/or organisations for their outstanding contribution to the UK toy industry. Recipients are widely acknowledged as significant driving forces within the industry and will have had made positive impact on the sector. The award is made based on a major achievement or breakthrough, relating to a particular challenge, task or project.
Key criteria;
- It can only be awarded to individuals/organisations based in the U.K.
- There is no specific length of time/service necessary.
- Recipients can win more than once but no more than twice as an individual or as part of an organisiation.
- Recipients must still be active within the UK toy industry. The award can not be awarded posthumously.
Nominations must have a proposer and a seconder and should be submitted in writing to The Director General of the BTHA. Nominations must be ratified that they meet the appropriate criteria above by the Awards Committee before the name is put before the BTHA Council for consideration. A written statement summarising the prospective candidate’s achievements and suitability will be composed and put before the BTHA Council.
Should the recipient be deemed to be deserving of the award, a BTHA Outstanding Contribution Award may be presented annually and will take place at the Toy Industry Awards event in January.
Nominations should be completed on the official form below.
BTHA Outstanding Contribution Award Nomination Form